Hypnobirthing Preparation

download 1 Hypnobirthing PreparationHypnobirthing Preparation

How do you prepare for birth with hypnosis?

For labour and birth, hypnosis makes it easier for women to access the roots of their thoughts, beliefs and emotions, and positively impact on how they approach and experience birth.

One of the main benefits of hypnosis is to remove the fear/anxiety barrier which is known to have a negative physiological impact on the experience by creating unwanted physical and mental tensions. The good news is that hormonal changes during pregnancy and birth make women naturally more receptive to hypnosis.

You can attend this preparation on your own, but involving your partner is a plus. It is best to have completed session 1+2 before week 34 of the pregnancy so you have plenty of time to practice before the birth. The 3rd session closer to the birth (at week 37/38) will specifically prepare you for the very start of labour.


What to expect:

In the hypnobirthing sessions, you’ll learn all about the physiological principles of relaxation for birth, breathing and visualisation techniques in a way that will help you achieve a more relaxed state of mind before and during the birth.

The hypnobirthing preparation I offer is evidence-based. The techniques you’ll be learning are widely used and validated by research as effective to address a wide range of issues which you’ll be applying to the specific context of birth preparation. You’ll learn cognitive behavioural techniques (CBT) which will help you reframe your worries or concerns and reinforce positivity, combined with self-hypnosis techniques, which will help you achieve a deeper state of relaxation, particularly during labour and birth.

The one-on-one approach makes this birth preparation totally personalised to YOU and your needs. The exercises and self-hypnosis scripts are adapted to YOUR own personal journey.

This birth preparation programme requires commitment to practice very regularly some of the exercises and techniques you’ll receive.

And in practice?

  • Session 1: (ideally mother + partner) (usually 1h30). During this first session, we review the principles of hypnobirthing and how your partner can take and active part in supporting you during the birth with some simple breathing and massage techniques. At the end of this session, you’ll have a clear understanding of the various elements which can make your pregnancy and birth a positive experience, and how to implement them through the daily exercises you’ll have to integrate into your every day life. Book session 1 to attend between week 25 and 32 of your pregnancy.


  • Session 2: (usually just for the mother) (around 1h15). Sophie will guide you through a script (think long/deep relaxation) which is written just for you to address any particular worries about the birth or to simply teach yourself how to quickly relax and focus. Then you receive your audio script for you to regularly practice at home, with all instructions for practice. Book session 2 to attend between week 30 and 33 of your pregnancy.


  • Session 3: (around 1h15). This session will give you extra relaxation tools to help you engage positively with the very start of labour. Sophie will guide you through a relaxation script which will deepen the relaxation response in those very last days of your pregnancy, which you can use at the very start of labour. You receive an audio of the script with instructions on when and how to use it for the start of labour. Book session 3 to attend at week 37 or 38 of you pregnancy.



Please contact Sophie for fees.

The birth preparation with hypnobirthing is available as an in-person class in Brussels at Sophie’s home studio  (Schaerbeek/Square Riga),or online or a combination of both. Contact Sophie for more details and book a (free) 20 minutes introduction video call.: info@sophieyoga.net +32 (0)499 41 41 91 sophieyoga.net

Or book your preferred dates and and times directly HERE 



Sophie qualified in 2008 as an Active Birth teacher and has since been teaching prenatal/postnatal yoga and birth preparation sessions in London, then Brussels. She is also a trained Doula with Paramana Doula and a hypnobirthing practitioner. Her private and group sessions offer the pregnant women and couples she works with powerful tools to empower them through their birthing experience and the early stages of parenting.

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