Antenatal Doula Guidance Sessions with Sophie

unknown 3 Antenatal Doula Guidance Sessions with SophieAntenatal Doula Guidance with Sophie

What is a Doula?

A doula is traditionally a (non-medically trained) woman who accompanies and supports another woman/couple during pregnancy, labour and sometimes after the birth.

She provides emotional support, and guidance to help you answer questions you may have about pregnancy and birth, give you practical tips and informations on how to best enjoy the experience of pregnancy and birth and accompany you in thinking about your birth preferences in the most positive way possible. 

Sophie trained as a doula in the UK with Paramana doula (Michel Odent & Liliana Lammers). As an Active Birth teacher and prenatal yoga teacher since 2008, as well as a hypnobirthing practitioner, Sophie’s antenatal doula sessions are filled with information and tools to help you best prepare for birth. She is also the mother of 2 young adult children with experience of the UK and Belgian childbirth systems.

What an antenatal doula guidance session with Sophie usually includes:

  • Time to listen to you! Our sessions offer you a safe and compassionate time and space for you to talk about your experience of pregnancy, any worries or questions around labour and birth and the time beyond. (If there has been previous birth experiences, we will talk about this too and ‘debrief’ the experience(s)).


  • Discussion on your birth preferences: Sophie will give you some pointers so that you can reflect on elements of a birth plan which would best suit your needs, such as choice of birth environment, pain management techniques, interventions, etc. This will also help you ask the right questions to your (medical) care providers when you see them. In the process, you’ll learn a lot to empower yourself into a positive pregnancy and birth experience.


  • Depending on your needs and other birth preparation sessions you may be attending, we will take time to practice together some important relaxation tools such as specific breathing techniques. 



You can attend those sessions on your own, or/and with your partner.

Most women/couples will start meeting a doula once they have entered the second trimester of pregnancy. The frequency of the meetings is flexible but 2 or 3 sessions are usually what women/couples find the most helpful.

Each session is 1h15 long. Please contact Sophie for fees and packages of 1, 3 or 5 sessions.

This session is available as an in-person class in Brussels and also online. Contact Sophie for more details: +32 (0)499 41 41 91 Book directly:


Sophie qualified in 2008 as an Active Birth teacher and has since been teaching prenatal/postnatal yoga and birth preparation sessions in London, then Brussels. She is also a trained Doula with Paramana Doula and a hypnobirthing practitioner. Her private and group sessions offer the pregnant women and couples she works with powerful tools to empower them through their birthing experience and the early stages of parenting.

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