Prenatal & Labour Movements with a Ball Special Sessions

img 0543 2 267x300 1 Prenatal & Labour Movements with a Ball Special Sessions


From the autumn 2022, the regular sessions of Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth at Shanti Home will continue and, in alternance, a special Prenatal & Labour Movement with a Ball session will be offered (approximately once a month).

A labour/exercise ball is a fantastic prop to use during your pregnancy to stretch and relax in fully supported positions .
It is also a precious tool for most of your labour which will enhance mobility and comfort and offers the potential to reduce anxiety and even shorten your labour 🙂

During those sessions, we explore yoga-inspired movements and positions which help relieve common pregnancy tensions and discomforts, and learn how some of those movements and relaxation positions can help you remain mobile, more comfortable and more relaxed during labour.


We end the session with a relaxation (lying down).

The ball special sessions can be attended in-person at the studio (limited numbers) (ball provided) or online (in that case you’ll need a large exercise/labour ball and a comfortable and quiet space+pillows and blanket for the relaxation).

You can attend the special sessions in addition to your regular Yoga for Pregnancy and Birth class, or separately.


Check the schedule here for dates and sign-up.

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